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Nokia 6300
MemoryTotal memory2097152
Free memory2028768
Char encodingISO-8859-1
MIDPJSR-118 (MIDP2.x) supportedtrue
Serial portsCOM0
GraphicsScreenScreen (full) height320
Screen (full) width240
Screen (normal) height248
Screen (normal) width240
Is Colortrue
Color Depth16777216
Alpha Levels256
Screen bufferedtrue
CanvasFont Default Height26
Font Small Height18
Font Small Bold Height18
Font Medium Height21
Font Medium Bold Height22
Font Large Height26
Font Large Bold Height26
Mobile MediaJSR-135 MMAPI supportedtrue
JSR-135 Video supportedtrue
Mobile Media version1.1
Supports mixingfalse
Audio capturetrue
Video capturetrue
Supports recordingtrue
Audio encodingencoding=audio/amr
Video encodingsencoding=video/3gpp
Video snapshot encodingsencoding=image/gif encoding=image/jpg encoding=image/jpeg encoding=image/jpeg encoding=image/jpg
MultimediaCaptureradio video image audio
Deviceaudio/midi audio/x-tone-seq
Fileaudio/wav audio/x-wav audio/mpeg3 audio/mpg3 audio/mpeg audio/mp3 audio/x-mpeg audio/x-mpeg3 audio/mp4 audio/mpeg4 audio/aac audio/mp4 audio/m4a audio/3gpp audio/3gpp audio/x-ms-wma audio/amr audio/amr-wb audio/mid audio/midi audio/x-mid audio/x-midi application/x-midi audio/sp-midi audio/ audio/x-tone-seq image/gif image/jpg image/jpeg image/jpeg image/bmp image/x-bmp image/png image/x-png image/ image/x-ota-bitmap image/vnd.wap.wbmp video/3gpp application/3gp video/3gpp2 video/mp4 video/mpeg
HTTPaudio/wav audio/x-wav audio/mpeg3 audio/mpg3 audio/mpeg audio/mp3 audio/x-mpeg audio/x-mpeg3 audio/mp4 audio/mpeg4 audio/aac audio/mp4 audio/m4a audio/3gpp audio/3gpp audio/x-ms-wma audio/amr audio/amr-wb audio/mid audio/midi audio/x-mid audio/x-midi application/x-midi audio/sp-midi audio/ audio/x-tone-seq image/gif image/jpg image/jpeg image/jpeg image/bmp image/x-bmp image/png image/x-png image/ image/x-ota-bitmap image/vnd.wap.wbmp video/3gpp application/3gp video/3gpp2 video/mp4 video/mpeg
RTSPapplication/octet-stream video/3gpp application/3gp video/3gpp2 video/mp4 video/mpeg
3D GraphicsJSR-184 supportedtrue
M3G version1.1
3D - max Lights8
3D - max Sprite Crop Dimension256
3D - max Texture Dimension256
3D - max Transforms Per Vertex4
3D - max Viewport Dimension1024
3D - max Viewport Height1024
3D - max Viewport Width1024
3D - num Texture Units2
3D - support Antialiasingfalse
3D - support Ditheringfalse
3D - support Local Camera Lightingfalse
3D - support Mipmappingtrue
3D - support Perspective Correctiontrue
3D - support TrueColorfalse
SVGM2G version1.0
SVG version1.1
SVG profiletiny
CommsWireless MessagingJSR-120 (Messaging 1.1) supportedtrue
JSR-205 (Messaging 2.0) supportedtrue
MMSC Address
SMSC Address31653131313
BluetoothJSR-082 Bluetooth supportedtrue
JSR-082 OBEX supportedfalse
Bluetooth version1.0
The maximum ReceiveMTU size672
The maximum number of connected devices7
Is inquiry allowed during a connectiontrue
Is paging allowed during a connectiontrue
Is inquiry scanning allowed during a connectiontrue
Is page scanning allowed during a connectiontrue
Is master/slave switch allowedfalse
Max number of concurrent service discovery transactions1
Max number of service attributes to be retrieved per service record13
SIPJSR-180 supportedfalse
Personal InformationPIM & FileJSR-075 Filesystem supportedtrue
JSR-075 PIM supportedtrue
PIM version1.0
FileConnection version1.0
File Separator/
Directory of photos name/Gallery/Images/
Directory of photos pathfile:///C:/predefgallery/predefphotos/
Directory of videos name/Gallery/Video clips/
Directory of videos pathfile:///C:/predefgallery/predefvideos/
Directory of graphics name/Gallery/Graphics/
Directory of graphics pathfile:///C:/predefgallery/predefgraphics/
Directory of tones name/Gallery/Tones/
Directory of tones pathfile:///C:/predefgallery/predeftones/
Directory of music name/Gallery/Music files/
Directory of music pathfile:///C:/predefgallery/predefmusic/
Directory of recordings name/Gallery/Recordings/
Directory of recordings pathfile:///C:/predefgallery/predefrecordings/
Directory of memorycard name/Gallery/Memory card/
Directory of memorycard pathfile:///E:/
LocationJSR-179 supportedfalse
Application connectivityWeb ServicesJSR-172 supportedtrue
Security & CommerceSecurity & Trust ServicesJSR-177 supportedfalse
Smartcard slots0C
APIOtherMotorola - RCfalse
Nokia - Graphicstrue
Nokia - Soundtrue
Nokia - UItrue
Samsung - Accelerationfalse
Samsung - Vibrationfalse
Siemens - graphicsfalse
Siemens - UIfalse
JTWI version1.0
PlatformControlHas key-held eventstrue
Has motion eventsfalse
Has pointer eventsfalse
KeyboardKey DOWN8
Key UP2
NetworkAccess type (Nokia)pd
SettingsAvailable Time ZoneGMT UTC
Default Time ZoneGMT
Dateformat (Nokia)dd-MM-yyyy
Timeformat (Nokia)HH:mm
BenchmarkMathMath Add array915
Math Add local938
Math Add instance932
Math Add static1378
Math Div array2401
Math Div local2767
Math Div instance2937
Math Div static2868
Math Mul array749
Math Mul local904
Math Mul instance958
Math Mul static1285
TimerSleep precision157